Astrin & Estelle. Two "just friends" that end up rooming together in my new comic, internet is for lazy. Once I finish refining to first several I've drawn/written, I'll start looking to post them online somewhere.
24 July 2010
Astrin & Estelle. Two "just friends" that end up rooming together in my new comic, internet is for lazy. Once I finish refining to first several I've drawn/written, I'll start looking to post them online somewhere.
15 July 2010
The She Character
And while she's busy singing hymns to Him
we are slowly swallowing Lithium
You laugh about the bunny on the battery
and I pass out counting scratches on your ceiling
Heaven would be out to get us if it existed
but there's no God just love no one just us
no comprehension of sin just and endless amount of time
to explore our emptiness
we are slowly swallowing Lithium
You laugh about the bunny on the battery
and I pass out counting scratches on your ceiling
Heaven would be out to get us if it existed
but there's no God just love no one just us
no comprehension of sin just and endless amount of time
to explore our emptiness
12 July 2010
Girl With Dragon Tattoo Played With Fire
11 July 2010
It's so easy to sleep next to you, which surprised me. I figured the nerves would devour my exhaustion, keep my wide eyes wide all night. But the entire essence of our whole situation has forced me to turn away, advert my eyes; but not shut them, just see thing differently. It's fucking philosophy, but a new angle gives new insight. We switch angles all the time, trying to hit new highs. Hit to get high. And every time we do, we screw--in your too hot apartment. The drive to it--to Pilson--is our lame attempt at foreplay. We seduce each other with aforementioned consent and a bottle of Jameson. Your shaky hands are clumsy, so I remove my pants myself, with my shaky hands.
08 July 2010
If We Are Ever to See It
You said we must become the change if we are ever to see it. And we changed, became everything we said we hated. Everything we were afraid of; now it defines us. We are our own monsters, bred in childhood bliss and ignorance. How often those two overlap. Change, we must. And not because of our fucked up past, but because of our fucked up future. We can't escape the present. The one time we tried to plan ahead, we broke every promise. I never wanted or meant to, but I had no choice; you wanted to see the change. We became.
This is Healthy
I thought I was chasing love, but I was just chasing you. And though I was obsessed in a zealous desperation, I had never been more honest. I squeezed and dripped more drops of truth into those three words than they should have been able to hold. Build up one thing and strip all others. And all the fragmented bits of personalities--the fractions that are supposed to form a whole, don't. There is an almost person with a missing piece the size of you. You used to crawl inside. I'd stroke your tiny ears, protect you from the rain. Until one day, you no longer fit. Not entirely. Not perfect. It was a struggle for us both. I tried to understand, tried to keep the panic tucked away where I thought it--and you--belonged. But I learned you can't keep yourself a prisoner to yourself. Not forever. I was holding on in a hopeless hope.
06 July 2010
"If it means anything, I think I fell first." "Nope, doesn't really mean anything."
Trembling and alone in the Wal-Mart parking lot, you read every word on the package of Trojans you bought. You wrote me once you got home safe in your ’88 Camry and said that the expiration date was in 2008. I thought at the time that that was a weird piece of information to include, but looking back now, it’s all I remember, and only for the irony that they lasted longer than our relationship.
Our love was outdone by a box of lubricated latex.
It’s hard for me not to laugh at that sentence and lose faith at the same time. Possessions are supposed to be the things that fade on this temporal plane, and love is like a diamond: forever. Or at least until it is thrown aside by an irate ex. Forever doesn’t exist, it’s just a primitive misconception, like perfection.
Still, we tried to push all the fucked up shit from our past to the back of our minds and focus on the happy. Tried to be that perfect couple, strive for that non-existent perfection. But autumn breezes came and blew change, not kisses. I always get pissed when seasons live up to their connotations.
Fall is for falling out, and things starting to die.
In the spring, we didn’t see a rebirth or any new growth, just the same slow decay of last year. Everything else was starting fresh, growing out of dirt, but not dirty. Like there was no sin last summer to be reminded of. I hate it even more when seasons don’t live up to their connotations.
Our love was outdone by a box of lubricated latex.
It’s hard for me not to laugh at that sentence and lose faith at the same time. Possessions are supposed to be the things that fade on this temporal plane, and love is like a diamond: forever. Or at least until it is thrown aside by an irate ex. Forever doesn’t exist, it’s just a primitive misconception, like perfection.
Still, we tried to push all the fucked up shit from our past to the back of our minds and focus on the happy. Tried to be that perfect couple, strive for that non-existent perfection. But autumn breezes came and blew change, not kisses. I always get pissed when seasons live up to their connotations.
Fall is for falling out, and things starting to die.
In the spring, we didn’t see a rebirth or any new growth, just the same slow decay of last year. Everything else was starting fresh, growing out of dirt, but not dirty. Like there was no sin last summer to be reminded of. I hate it even more when seasons don’t live up to their connotations.
The First Time
Even though it was summer, we were shivering. Our white knuckles interlocked like the couplers of a train car. It was so early but we were so young it seemed so late. I tried to be patient, but you hadn’t taught me how to yet. My foot bruising the concrete.
I kept secrets from you. Never told you that I knew what it was you wanted to say almost every time you couldn’t—or wouldn’t. This time was no excuse. I knew, as soon as your Kelly Clarkson eyes looked up to meet mine. You were struggling to form the words, choking on their absence. I wanted to help you out, and say them for you. I knew, but I knew that I would ruin it. And I wanted it to be perfect for our first time.
So I waited—I was learning—for you to chase the fear away and come clean. You could still keep your secrets, just had to let out your deepest. And yours and mine overlapped.
I repeated. Repeated. Rinse, lather, repeated, until our smiles made kissing impossible. We were so young that we were whole. So I ran the eight blocks home. My feet bruising the concrete.
I kept secrets from you. Never told you that I knew what it was you wanted to say almost every time you couldn’t—or wouldn’t. This time was no excuse. I knew, as soon as your Kelly Clarkson eyes looked up to meet mine. You were struggling to form the words, choking on their absence. I wanted to help you out, and say them for you. I knew, but I knew that I would ruin it. And I wanted it to be perfect for our first time.
So I waited—I was learning—for you to chase the fear away and come clean. You could still keep your secrets, just had to let out your deepest. And yours and mine overlapped.
I repeated. Repeated. Rinse, lather, repeated, until our smiles made kissing impossible. We were so young that we were whole. So I ran the eight blocks home. My feet bruising the concrete.
10 April 2010
He Said Hi To H
our hearts are helium
heavy next to hydrogen
smoke in lungs
we suck on tongues
tons of love
lust to lust
turned over and fucked
or burned down up
up and decay
heavy next to hydrogen
smoke in lungs
we suck on tongues
tons of love
lust to lust
turned over and fucked
or burned down up
up and decay
Electric Ashes
Our hearts
just carbon constructs
as old as our star
dust to dust formed us
I wanted to play God
build you a new one
pretend I could save you
just carbon constructs
as old as our star
dust to dust formed us
I wanted to play God
build you a new one
pretend I could save you
01 April 2010
I saw the pictures of your new place
and recognised all the furniture
remembered the colours textures and how you looked naked on them
It was the wording that threw me
"Our place" you said like the one we had
shared after four years
You've only known him one I guess that's enough
It's enough for me to slip into depression
picturing him slip his hand
I can't be fine with this finish
Sure I'll smile through feeling like shit
but polished shit's still shit
and recognised all the furniture
remembered the colours textures and how you looked naked on them
It was the wording that threw me
"Our place" you said like the one we had
shared after four years
You've only known him one I guess that's enough
It's enough for me to slip into depression
picturing him slip his hand
I can't be fine with this finish
Sure I'll smile through feeling like shit
but polished shit's still shit
What Can Be Said That I Already Haven't
Our bodies like continents grind drift
like pioneers we pretend places are important
You can't make land your home
I am a stranger anywhere other than your arms heart
More than anything means more than anything to me
It's you and me It'syouandme We knew each
word forwards backwards Weighed your worth
against the world and the world never seemed so light
like pioneers we pretend places are important
You can't make land your home
I am a stranger anywhere other than your arms heart
More than anything means more than anything to me
It's you and me It'syouandme We knew each
word forwards backwards Weighed your worth
against the world and the world never seemed so light
This once fed fancy was never physical
the extreme proximity just leading to leaving
eventually we spoke that's what killed it
for a time
cycle same ideas we looped our mistakes
into a long-term relationship
Building and collapsing
like societies
wiped clean white noise
We are lazy but could be skyscrapers
and stand for a lifetime
the extreme proximity just leading to leaving
eventually we spoke that's what killed it
for a time
cycle same ideas we looped our mistakes
into a long-term relationship
Building and collapsing
like societies
wiped clean white noise
We are lazy but could be skyscrapers
and stand for a lifetime
31 March 2010
Tomorrow came and so did I to
a vivid memory of you your already faded tattoos
the alto sax I drew
forever pinned to your side like I was for a time
Angelo below your ankle
orange sea turtle I named after my childhood hero
You shortened it made pretend it stood for something different
Most days they stayed hidden like us from the sun
locked under layers
the way you have to dress in the Midwest
but I was there when they first got wet
cream on black on cream
a thin layer of ink describes a curve
we form our bodies around it each other
You used to play jazz out your alto sax
and I would kiss the one on your skin
pretend I could play it or my bass
the deep E's drops to deeper D's
and hang in this hollow space
I never had an hard shell case for anything I loved
to write you the words you were against
my prose poems even more of those I kept
to myself and carved the ink into my chest
I always burns this time of year
a vivid memory of you your already faded tattoos
the alto sax I drew
forever pinned to your side like I was for a time
Angelo below your ankle
orange sea turtle I named after my childhood hero
You shortened it made pretend it stood for something different
Most days they stayed hidden like us from the sun
locked under layers
the way you have to dress in the Midwest
but I was there when they first got wet
cream on black on cream
a thin layer of ink describes a curve
we form our bodies around it each other
You used to play jazz out your alto sax
and I would kiss the one on your skin
pretend I could play it or my bass
the deep E's drops to deeper D's
and hang in this hollow space
I never had an hard shell case for anything I loved
to write you the words you were against
my prose poems even more of those I kept
to myself and carved the ink into my chest
I always burns this time of year
11 March 2010
Sirens haunt me in every colour
though I don’t know which hue or key major or minor
you’re better with the music we sorted on your living
room floor circa four
our organs matched clocks
at the time they both stopped (is 8:17 significant?)
Lips for the first time though I slept with you before
hand in your pants for a two hour nap
a morning shoot means a morning commute
lonely exhausted I tried
but as I looked in your sixteen year old eyes
I lied
My tongue raw you
whispered no one’s done that before
I’ve never been that person
and you were serious
(why this rush?) I know I spoke too sleepy
I can’t see you and smile
like a good boyfriend I shut
up and pretend
Truth is it was dark and you half
looked and sounded like Melanie
so I spent years of pent
up impossibilities
permafrost presence
regardless of it’s working status
my heart shivers winters
timber! as we came crashing
(the neighbors always knew)
said I should be louder
but my voice was an alien in that space
though there was no
hot tub threesome or stripping
We both became what we
were afraid of
Sirens haunt me in every colour
though I don’t know which hue or key major or minor
you’re better with the music we sorted on your living
room floor circa four
our organs matched clocks
at the time they both stopped (is 8:17 significant?)
Lips for the first time though I slept with you before
hand in your pants for a two hour nap
a morning shoot means a morning commute
lonely exhausted I tried
but as I looked in your sixteen year old eyes
I lied
My tongue raw you
whispered no one’s done that before
I’ve never been that person
and you were serious
(why this rush?) I know I spoke too sleepy
I can’t see you and smile
like a good boyfriend I shut
up and pretend
Truth is it was dark and you half
looked and sounded like Melanie
so I spent years of pent
up impossibilities
permafrost presence
regardless of it’s working status
my heart shivers winters
timber! as we came crashing
(the neighbors always knew)
said I should be louder
but my voice was an alien in that space
though there was no
hot tub threesome or stripping
We both became what we
were afraid of
09 March 2010
Summer Some More
I compiled a Summer Sampler for a Chicago Winter
plucked out the strong songs all five of them
(I'm just glad one wasn't about Melanie)
We used to put the CDs on repeat
to hear our 90s childhood over again as we
did things kids didn't
Sin on my skin I welcome it sit back
drink it and you in like naked sunshine
moonbeams raindrops any setting's fine with me for us
Glitches like clockwork every six/eight months
the relationship equivalent of the blue screen of death
I was trying so hard to find a solution permanent
I lost
you hope everything (I thought at the time)
Colour faded from my screen of death eyes
Listened to the CD till every note memorised
haunted me waking asleep
burned disc burned in my mind
I just wanted some some more
Sodom Sodom Gamorrah
plucked out the strong songs all five of them
(I'm just glad one wasn't about Melanie)
We used to put the CDs on repeat
to hear our 90s childhood over again as we
did things kids didn't
Sin on my skin I welcome it sit back
drink it and you in like naked sunshine
moonbeams raindrops any setting's fine with me for us
Glitches like clockwork every six/eight months
the relationship equivalent of the blue screen of death
I was trying so hard to find a solution permanent
I lost
you hope everything (I thought at the time)
Colour faded from my screen of death eyes
Listened to the CD till every note memorised
haunted me waking asleep
burned disc burned in my mind
I just wanted some some more
Sodom Sodom Gamorrah
I (still) Do ...(fuck?)
July of '05
it was already past my curfew
but like most nights
I could barely care less
as we stood there
bodies separated by your backyard fence
the wire intertwined like our fingers
above it and below the surface
our hearts touched as our minds crossed
my lungs dropped to match your jaw
then we'd both draw breath (conclusions)
I thought I knew what you wanted to say
like most times (I was right
but like every time I never said anything)
I never said anything
I wanted to wait hear the words in your voice
before I (rinse lather) repeated deeper with a too
it was already past my curfew
but like most nights
I could barely care less
as we stood there
bodies separated by your backyard fence
the wire intertwined like our fingers
above it and below the surface
our hearts touched as our minds crossed
my lungs dropped to match your jaw
then we'd both draw breath (conclusions)
I thought I knew what you wanted to say
like most times (I was right
but like every time I never said anything)
I never said anything
I wanted to wait hear the words in your voice
before I (rinse lather) repeated deeper with a too
Past Tense of a Davis Guggenheim Documentary
I love the loud sounds
your over-enthused moans in you mother's house
(that time Traci walked in on us)
I laughed felt half bad you thought nasty (sexy) thoughts
and laughed
We always laughed in the bedroom
giggles gave way to euphoric silence
subtle let go of breath
I could never catch
but you were fast had lungs that'd last so you took it
I wanted to play the rogue stealth steal yours as well
seal it away between my two hands behind my back
attempt to tease through lightning teeth
I'm all shock no sting
Jokes unintended things
costly side effects to our skinny love
We fucking broke the bed (and several others in)
metal bars bend louder than laughs
we can't mask the truth or lies
said my stupid skinny lines and
the skinny sounds died
your over-enthused moans in you mother's house
(that time Traci walked in on us)
I laughed felt half bad you thought nasty (sexy) thoughts
and laughed
We always laughed in the bedroom
giggles gave way to euphoric silence
subtle let go of breath
I could never catch
but you were fast had lungs that'd last so you took it
I wanted to play the rogue stealth steal yours as well
seal it away between my two hands behind my back
attempt to tease through lightning teeth
I'm all shock no sting
Jokes unintended things
costly side effects to our skinny love
We fucking broke the bed (and several others in)
metal bars bend louder than laughs
we can't mask the truth or lies
said my stupid skinny lines and
the skinny sounds died
same sexy brown hair eyes
though yours filter out the lies
coming out but not in
you said you wanted this and so did
I but didn't mean it
though yours filter out the lies
coming out but not in
you said you wanted this and so did
I but didn't mean it
Sure I'm Sure
You can't have irony without certainty
and I lost what I thought
was mine
Comfort redefined found in fears
slow scared proccess taking years
or days I'm still not sure which
I held sacred in this or other lies
Eyes on the empty spaces
between ourselves and so many things
I can't see black I just don't see white
colour-coded cones of mine
sculpt and redefine my
ironic? uncertain
and I lost what I thought
was mine
Comfort redefined found in fears
slow scared proccess taking years
or days I'm still not sure which
I held sacred in this or other lies
Eyes on the empty spaces
between ourselves and so many things
I can't see black I just don't see white
colour-coded cones of mine
sculpt and redefine my
ironic? uncertain
21 February 2010
What We Should Be Doing
I should be happy it's as simple as that
but instead I find myself filled with fear
I've wanted what I thought I've wanted for years
to get back to that place (though it's no location
just a figment of my fragmented imagination)
I can't have what doesn't exist
I know you had hope lost it got it back
and I'd feel like an even bigger ass to steal it again
but I just can't think of any other alternative
(What this working?)
I can't hide my pessimistic optimism
I feel like shit now but it'll all fix itself somehow (maybe)
I should be happy it's as simple as that
But I can't fight the fear of having the fear
of losing someone (just give up)
I know I'd fucking ruin it (Fuck that bitch did it
she fucking ruined me) it's as simple as that
but instead I find myself filled with fear
I've wanted what I thought I've wanted for years
to get back to that place (though it's no location
just a figment of my fragmented imagination)
I can't have what doesn't exist
I know you had hope lost it got it back
and I'd feel like an even bigger ass to steal it again
but I just can't think of any other alternative
(What this working?)
I can't hide my pessimistic optimism
I feel like shit now but it'll all fix itself somehow (maybe)
I should be happy it's as simple as that
But I can't fight the fear of having the fear
of losing someone (just give up)
I know I'd fucking ruin it (Fuck that bitch did it
she fucking ruined me) it's as simple as that
16 February 2010
Same Simple
I a man of simple taste(s)
a pen a page
frustration at the correlation (or the lack of)
between the sheets and the screen
(Bastard html expelling my [coded space]s)
(so I type them by hand)
How lazily I employ these fingers
Click Clack till the bones show
I sit back and laugh at how sad
I am same simple pursuit
She's just a muse amusing herself
a pen a page
frustration at the correlation (or the lack of)
between the sheets and the screen
(Bastard html expelling my [coded space]s)
(so I type them by hand)
How lazily I employ these fingers
Click Clack till the bones show
I sit back and laugh at how sad
I am same simple pursuit
She's just a muse amusing herself
15 February 2010
I Slept with Osaka
The “m” in the center of the back of your sweater
formed the perfect curve I want to form my body around yours
(You’re my) Xylem without the Xy (okay so you’re not mine)
You and me is how I read the “U” and “M”
(talk about selective seeing)
“Co” and “Co” as in my imagined habitating
oh my god how come I can only think of Oh My Goddess
Here I am with my friends laying next
to the girl I like (sober me screaming
telling drunk me to act) and all my whiskey powered
self manages to carry out is playing a joke and placing
my dick on her shoulder and head
God I’m stupid but you have no idea how much
I’ll beat myself up over not speaking up
while I had the courage
I’ll drain the liquids from my veins come morning
so I can go back to just yearning not acting
never living into my potential
I wear size 6 or 12 shoes (length or width) (they’re different)
My feet don’t overshadow yours as much as my hands
(though I’m far behind them in terms of talent)
I saw your hair from the back at night it looked black
I froze then shuddered A flash of nightmares
came back I thought you were Melanie and not
my not mine Ellie
formed the perfect curve I want to form my body around yours
(You’re my) Xylem without the Xy (okay so you’re not mine)
You and me is how I read the “U” and “M”
(talk about selective seeing)
“Co” and “Co” as in my imagined habitating
oh my god how come I can only think of Oh My Goddess
Here I am with my friends laying next
to the girl I like (sober me screaming
telling drunk me to act) and all my whiskey powered
self manages to carry out is playing a joke and placing
my dick on her shoulder and head
God I’m stupid but you have no idea how much
I’ll beat myself up over not speaking up
while I had the courage
I’ll drain the liquids from my veins come morning
so I can go back to just yearning not acting
never living into my potential
I wear size 6 or 12 shoes (length or width) (they’re different)
My feet don’t overshadow yours as much as my hands
(though I’m far behind them in terms of talent)
I saw your hair from the back at night it looked black
I froze then shuddered A flash of nightmares
came back I thought you were Melanie and not
my not mine Ellie
Eating Airwaves
Apply my chapstick (Blistex) smack throw that shit in a chapbook
feel the high fahrenheit to write one of my own
but it won't belong in the same (what's bigger than a ballpark?)
I feel but can't quite capture it
two separate lives placed on two separate shelves
You talked of God and Cain cause and effect events
linked by chains affecting our carbon bodies
I flip through copies of your inked paper
reading incessantly praying to sink
so that they may seep into me
I want to feed off you your talent
eat the airwaves we create with rants
I can't hold water in my hands
or a belief in god
I've read too many pages
of books (I didn't find the good one that great)
My hungry eyes made it audible
and my mind decides it doesn't sound right
coming from my lips I can't apply it to my life
like chapstick to my lips to kiss your chapbook
in my leaky hands goodnight
feel the high fahrenheit to write one of my own
but it won't belong in the same (what's bigger than a ballpark?)
I feel but can't quite capture it
two separate lives placed on two separate shelves
You talked of God and Cain cause and effect events
linked by chains affecting our carbon bodies
I flip through copies of your inked paper
reading incessantly praying to sink
so that they may seep into me
I want to feed off you your talent
eat the airwaves we create with rants
I can't hold water in my hands
or a belief in god
I've read too many pages
of books (I didn't find the good one that great)
My hungry eyes made it audible
and my mind decides it doesn't sound right
coming from my lips I can't apply it to my life
like chapstick to my lips to kiss your chapbook
in my leaky hands goodnight
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