I compiled a Summer Sampler for a Chicago Winter
plucked out the strong songs all five of them
(I'm just glad one wasn't about Melanie)
We used to put the CDs on repeat
to hear our 90s childhood over again as we
did things kids didn't
Sin on my skin I welcome it sit back
drink it and you in like naked sunshine
moonbeams raindrops any setting's fine with me for us
Glitches like clockwork every six/eight months
the relationship equivalent of the blue screen of death
I was trying so hard to find a solution permanent
I lost
you hope everything (I thought at the time)
Colour faded from my screen of death eyes
Listened to the CD till every note memorised
haunted me waking asleep
burned disc burned in my mind
I just wanted some some more
Sodom Sodom Gamorrah