10 April 2010

He Said Hi To H

 our hearts are helium
   heavy next to hydrogen
smoke in lungs
we suck   on tongues
  tons   of     love
     lust   to   lust
turned over and fucked
or burned down     up
     up   and   decay

Electric Ashes

Our hearts
   just carbon constructs
   as old as  our  star
 dust to dust   formed us
I wanted to play God
  build you a new   one
 pretend   I could save you

01 April 2010


I saw the pictures of your new place
and recognised all the furniture
 remembered the colours   textures   and how you looked  naked on them

   It was the wording that threw me
  "Our place" you said   like the one we had
 shared after four years

You've only known him one     I guess that's enough
 It's enough for me to slip   into depression
 picturing him  slip   his     hand

I can't be fine with this finish
Sure   I'll smile through feeling like shit
  but polished shit's still shit

What Can Be Said That I Already Haven't

Our bodies like continents     grind   drift
like pioneers   we pretend     places are important

  You can't make land        your home

 I am   a stranger     anywhere   other than your arms   heart

More than anything   means   more than anything   to me
It's  you  and  me  It'syouandme     We knew   each
 word     forwards   backwards        Weighed your worth
  against the world  and     the world never seemed so light


This once  fed  fancy  was never  physical
the extreme proximity   just leading   to leaving
eventually we spoke     that's what killed it
        for a time
   cycle   same ideas     we looped our mistakes
into a long-term relationship
Building and collapsing
   like societies
     wiped clean     white noise
We are lazy but could be skyscrapers
 and stand for a lifetime